St. Francis Episcopal Church is a church that loves fellowship! We enjoy getting together in a number of different ways, and we look forward to welcoming newcomers into our community. There are annual events throughout the year—such as a Chili Cookoff in October and a Gala in the winter—as well as more casual events. Other opportunities for getting together and meeting new people are described below. For more information about any of these groups, contact the church office.
Men’s Group
The St. Francis Men’s Group meets via Zoom on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am for Bible study, theological discussion, prayer, and conversation. The focus is Christian formation through fellowship and group discussion. New members are always welcome! Click here to connect to the Men’s Group via Zoom.
Zoom ID: 922 8116 0056; Passcode: church

Tables for Eight-ish
These informal dinner groups of approximately 8-9 singles and couples are formed in the fall and meet for approximately five meals at each other’s homes throughout the year. Sign-up for this activity occurs in September, and it’s a wonderful way to meet new people. All adults are welcome!
Wednesday Social Hour
Started during the pandemic, this weekly get-together was too much fun to discontinue. Anyone who is interested joins via Zoom at 5:30 pm on Wednesdays to chat and visit for one hour. Click here to connect to the St. Francis Social Hour.
Zoom ID: 935 2210 0835; Passcode: church

Women’s Group
This recently formed group provides opportunities for the women of the church to get together outside of Sunday services for fun, for mutual support, and to support the church and its good causes. Events planned thus far include a tea, a cutting garden tour, and helping with a church rummage sale.