Some of the most important services at St. Francis Episcopal Church mark the significant occasions in our lives. These include sacramental services, for instance Baptisms, Confirmations, and Weddings.
St. Francis also holds Funerals and Memorial Services when loved ones have passed away.

Infants, children, and adults of any age can be baptized with water and the Holy Spirit to become full members of God’s church. Baptisms traditionally take place as part of a Sunday service.
Confirmation classes are offered once a year for teens and adults who wish to be confirmed or received into the church (“reception into the church” is the term used for Christians of other denominations who wish to become Episcopalians). The classes are taught by clergy and generally cover the beliefs and history of the church. These culminate in a visit by the Bishop, who confirms and receives the students during a special Sunday service.

The sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a joyful occasion at St. Francis. It is most appropriate that members of the church exchange their marriage vows in the midst of their community of faith. Priority for weddings is primarily provided for members of St. Francis and for those persons who have a strong worshiping relationship with the St. Francis community.
“I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord. . . and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” It is especially appropriate that Christians are buried from the church in services that commend the deceased into the hands of the Lord and provide comfort to those who mourn.
St. Francis also offers a Memorial Garden where ashes can be scattered.