Happily, St. Francis Church will be able to host its traditional Christmas party this year for families in Samaritan Ministry programs, who are taking meaningful steps to improve their lives. The party had to be suspended for several years due to COVID-19. Needy families attending our party will enjoy a Christmas buffet, Bingo games, a craft table, and a “toy shop” where parents (or grandparents) will select toys for children (from infant to 12 years) and be given $25 Target gift cards for teens 13 to 17 years. The toy shop is an important and really fun part of our Christmas party for both the families and the givers!
If you would like to donate a gift for a child, you will find more information about the Children’s Christmas Gift Drive and be able to sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D44AAAB2CA2FF2-46016261-christmas
If you have any questions, please contact Ginger Roll at rollginger@icloud.com.