As described in Worship & Services, many enthusiastic volunteers are needed to help with Sunday services and our special worship services. Setting the altar or reading the scripture during a service or greeting visitors at the door can all be moving experiences that bring us closer to God.
Below are brief descriptions of some of the jobs that volunteers fill. And these aren’t just for adults! For instance, children can be acolytes, and teens can be LEMs.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer positions, please contact the church office.

- Acolytes can be children, teens, or adults who carry the cross in procession, light the candles, and help the clergy at the altar.
- Altar Guild members work in pairs to prepare the altar for Sunday services (and clean up after). They also serve for weddings and funerals and all other special services.
- Children’s Chapel Leaders use storytelling and singing to teach Bible lessons to the children who attend Children’s Chapel during the 10 am Sunday service.
- Choir Members rehearse and sing at the Sunday Services. See Music & Choir.
- Greeters welcome members and visitors heading into the Sunday services and answer questions or provide information when needed.
- Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are trained to read the scripture lessons and the prayers and administer the chalice at Sunday services.
- Nursery Attendants serve as the second adult in the Nursery during the 10 am service.
- Ushers distribute Sunday bulletins, pass the donation baskets, direct the congregation to the altar for Communion, and generally watch over the services to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Worship & Spiritual Formation
Join us for Sunday services, midweek prayer gatherings, and special seasonal observances that deepen your relationship with God.
Education & Learning
Engage in lifelong learning and spiritual growth through our educational programs that encourage exploration and discussion of faith topics.
Fellowship and Community
Build meaningful connections and friendships within our welcoming community through fellowship opportunities that foster connection and support.