From the tiniest tot to the tallest teen, St. Francis aims to offer programs and opportunities for Christian formation and fellowship for all of our young people. Older children and youth are also encouraged to volunteer to be part of the Sunday services (see Worship Ministries).
Contact the church office for more information about these programs.

The Creche Preschool
For more than 20 years, St. Francis has offered a weekday Christian preschool for 21/2 to 5 year olds.
The Nursery
The St. Francis Nursery operates on Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 11:30 am, year-round. A paid staff member is joined by a volunteer parent, so that two adults care for the infants and small children whose parents opt to drop them off before church. All children are always welcome in church, but not all parents want them there. We understand the need for options!

Children’s Chapel
During the school year, children of any age are welcome to attend Children’s Chapel during part of the 10 am service. Adults are welcome to become Children’s Chapel Leaders who help children form their faith through storytelling and song.
Sunday School
The St. Francis Sunday School program is currently being reimagined. We hope to offer Sunday School for children in 2025. In the meantime, we hope that children will come to church with their parents and attend Children’s Chapel.

Youth Group Discussion
This dinner and discussion group for teens (and their friends) meets once a month on a Sunday to talk about Christianity in today’s world. Dinner is provided, and all 7th through 12th graders are welcome to participate in this casual youth group get-together.
St. Francis has sponsored Scout troops since the 1970s, providing personnel support and meeting space. There are currently active units for Scouting Troop 55B (boys), 55G (girls), and Pack 55 (Cub Scouts). The Scouts and their leaders come from the community of Great Falls and beyond.