We are blessed to have a beautiful church on sumptuous grounds that proclaim the glory of God’s creation. As stewards of our beautiful church home, we have an obligation to care for it and for the people who work in it. Many volunteers are needed to keep the church running, and some of those groups are listed here. If you have a special skill or interest in helping the church, contact the church office. We need you!
Counters are responsible for counting the Sunday collections and taking the deposit to the bank. No experience necessary except an ability to add and subtract!
Creation Care
In the spirit of St. Francis, this casual group does gardening on the grounds and plans for ways to help nature best survive.
Endowment Committee
The Endowment Committee oversees the investments and endowed funds of the church and encourages donations to our parish’s endowment fund.
Facilities Committee
This group of volunteers ensures that the church buildings and grounds are fit and safe for St Francis’s worship, mission, ministry, education, community, and outreach programs.
Giving (Stewardship) Committee
The purpose of this committee is to instill in each parishioner a commitment to return God’s love through the generous use of their gifts for the well-being of our church, our community, and the world.