8:00 & 10 am Holy Eucharist
5 pm Second Sunday Contemplative Service
Both morning services offer scripture readings, sermon, and prayers followed by the Eucharist or Holy Communion (with bread and wine) as outlined in the Book of Common Prayer. The 10 am service can also be viewed online via Live Stream.
The 8 am service uses more formal language with no music, while the 10 am service is more colloquial and enriched by our wonderful choir and hymns. Children’s Chapel is offered during the sermon and prayers at 10 am, and a nursery is available for the very young.
A new addition is the Second Sunday Contemplative Service held every month (except August) on the second Sunday at 5 pm. Through candlelit prayer, contemplative silence, poetry, beautiful music, and Holy Communion from the Iona Celtic tradition, this service is different from those on Sunday morning. A brief reflection on the spiritual journey is also offered by a member of St. Francis.

What To Expect
St. Francis welcomes everyone to Sunday services. If you’re new to church, just pick up a bulletin from the ushers at the door and find a seat where you are comfortable. The bulletin will guide you through the service, and you can ask an usher if you have a question about anything. The books in front of you will include a hymnal (usually blue) for singing. We’re glad you came, and we’d love to get to know you after the service!
Music At St. Francis
St. Francis has a longstanding love of sacred music, and we are blessed with a dedicated choirmaster, organist, and choir members. The primary focus of the music is to support and enhance the Sunday service, but the choir also performs on special occasions, such as Evensongs and special concerts throughout the year.

Sunday Service Volunteers
Our clergy conduct the Sunday services, but many hands are needed to support them. Volunteers are trained to do everything from serving as lay ministers to setting the altar to welcoming newcomers and staffing the nursery.
Contact us find out more about volunteering:
- Acolytes
- Altar Guild
- Children’s Chapel Leaders
- Choir Members
- Greeters
- Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)
- Nursery Attendants
- Ushers